Christmas 2024:
Over the Christmas Period, please pray for all on our
Christmas Intentions list:
Pope Francis’ Intentions
Deacon John McGeoch (RIP)
Desmond Bannon (RIP)
The Bannon family
Michael Burns (RIP)
Eric Smith
Margaret Smith
Keith Smith
Kathy Collister (RIP)
Lucy & Fred McTavish (RIP)
Kitty & John Taylor (RIP)
Nanna Lucy (RIP)
Geoff Walsh-Clayton (RIP)
Julie McTavish (RIP)
Betty Pearson (RIP)
Mo Bennett (RIP)
Mary Josephine Thomas (RIP)
Bob Mathews (RIP)
Bernard Mannion (RIP)
Mike & Agnes Mannion (RIP)
Peter Purcell (RIP)
Betty Jones (RIP)
Michael Wall (RIP)
“T Mac” (RIP)
Wall Family
Collister Family
McDermott Family
Parishioners past and present
Keaveney Family
Holy Souls
Those with no one to pray for them
All suffering from loss
All suffering grief
All suffering from depression
Sick and housebound
All in the care profession
Marianne Large (RIP)
John Devlin (RIP)
Ted, Denis & Tommy Jones (RIP)
Muriel Riley (RIP)
Louise & Thomas Carson (RIP)
Mary & Joseph Smith
Peter Kent
Betty Barton
Family and friends of Joan Kent
Brenda Keeley, family & friends
David Wike (RIP)
Eileen Reilly
Agnes & Tommy Smith (RIP)
Marie & Dennis Jenkins
Joseph O’Gorman (RIP)
John & Catherine O’Gorman & family (RIP)
James Toohey (continued good heath)
Moses Chim
Shirley King
Aaron Chim
Miriam Chim
Franki Kong
Cecilia Kong
Mark Lau
Valarie Lau
Megumi Lau
Yun King Choi
John Jim’s Family
Dominic Chim’s Family
Jude Chim’s Family
Blundell Family
Shirley Family
Jospeh & Ella Shirley
John & Ray Gilston
Gilston Family