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Parish First Holy Communion 2024

Registration for our First Holy Communion Sessions has closed, and our children have now started preparing to recieve their First Holy Communion. A Reconciliation service will be celebrated in April, with Communion Masses taking place through May and June.


First Holy Communion Mass

As we are blessed with so many children, each class will be split up into groups of up to 15 children at each Mass. Children from St. Oswald’s school, St. Cuthbert’s school, or from non-Catholic schools, would normally receive their First Holy Communion in St. Oswald’s Church, and children from St. Sebastian’s School would normally receive their First Holy Communion in St. Sebastian’s Church.

Each Communion Mass will take place on a Saturday; at either 10:00am or at 1:00pm.

Children would normally receive First Holy Communion with their class companions


Information about the Communion Masses in May and June have all been sent out (through our schools online parent portal, and also through the preparation sessions). If dates or times of your childs Communion Mass needs to be changed, please contact the office during our office hours (0151 228 3327) and we will do our best to accommodate any changes on a “first-come-first serve” basis.

Once a Mass has 15 children allocated, there will be no other places available at that Mass, and a change will not be available.



I understand that some children may want to wear a special outfit, but I am also aware that there are some children who don’t. Children can wear an outfit of their choice, provided it is appropriate for the occasion. I am also acutely aware of the pressure that can be put on an already strained budget in buying Communion outfits, so please do not feel pressured into buying one. If you have any difficulties, please do not hesitate to get in touch with the Parish Office.​


First Holy Communion is only one part of our faith journey!

In receiving First Holy Communion, we celebrate the second Sacrament of Initiation into our Christian Faith, and we are looking forward to celebrating the third Sacrament, when we celebrate Confirmation with our children in a few years’ time. As this is part of our ongoing faith journey, I would like to invite you and your family to come along and attend one of our weekend Masses regularly.


Weekend Mass Timetable

Saturday evening at 4:30pm in Saint Oswald’s Church
Sunday morning at 9:30am in Saint Oswald’s Church, and
Sunday morning at 11:00am in Saint Sebastian’s Church.


I look forward to seeing you and your families at Mass over the coming weeks and months.
God bless.

Fr. Liam Collister


First Holy Communion Preparation Sessions

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