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On Thursday 18th November we gathered to remember all who have died, especially those from our parishes during the last twelve months whose funerals took place either in one of our Churches or elsewhere. Family members were invited to come along, to join us in prayer. The names of those whose funerals took place were read out, and family members were invited to come forward and light a special named candle, before all present were asked to come and light a votive candle for all loved ones who have passed away. The named candles will now be used on the Main Altar, right through to the end of the Christmas period, so we can keep those who have died from our Parish Communities within our thoughts and prayers during Mass.


Please pray for all who have died, including:


Patricia Peeney, Malcolm George Graley, Mary ‘Molly’ Hills, Josephine Constantine, 

Josephine Woods, Michael Walsh, Teresa Bridget O’Shea, Julie Walker, Rose Walsh, 

Maura Lehan, Hannah Hornby, Margaret Rita Kelly, Patricia Elizabeth Gibb, John James McCoy,

Patricia Bolger, Anthony O’Neill, Josephine Murphy, Elizabeth ‘Betty’ Pearson, Janet King, 

Ann Catherine Duffy, Bernard ‘Ben’ Lawrence Asbridge, Florence Gray, Christopher Fowler, 

Margaret Hegarty, Alexander Moore, June Allan, John Watkinson, Edward Victor ‘Vic’ Holmes, 

Josephine Gallagher, Mary Wilson, Jade Roberts, Daniel Hastings, Mary McShane, 

Glenda Elizabeth Gerrard, Francis Dunne, Elizabeth Teresa Connolly, Teresa McKevitt, 

Thomas McKenna, Eileen Lemon, Thomas Davies, Ruth Rebekah Rossiter, Spencer Randel Whelan, 

Stephen Anthony O’Hare, Maureen Beer, John Patrick McCole, Mary Parkes, Christine Emily Sinclair, 

Sally Elizabeth Reed, Sheila Bewley, Mary Duckworth, Ann Bowyer, Mary Lewis, Francis Worthington, 

Margaret Teresa Taylor, Robert Francis Crosbie, Teresa Ann Kennedy, Michael ‘Stumpy’ Stanley, 

Gerard Wilson, Agnes Mannion, Anne Dutton, Anne Byrne, Gerard ‘Ged’ Chandler, Henry Williams, 

Patrick Rourke, Fr Brendan Rice, Thomas Murphy, James Jones, Patricia Ann Jones, Margrita Brown.


Eternal rest, grant unto them O Lord,

and let perpetual light shine upon them.

May they rest in peace. Amen.

May the souls of all the faithful departed,

through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen.


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