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Remembrance Mass 2022



On Thursday 17th November we gathered to remember all who have died, especially those from our parishes during the last twelve months whose funerals took place either in one of our Churches or elsewhere. Family members were invited to come along, to join us in prayer. The names of those whose funerals took place were read out, and family members were invited to come forward and light a special named candle, before all present were asked to come and light a votive candle for all loved ones who have passed away. The named candles will now be used on the Main Altars, so we can keep those who have died from our Parish Communities within our thoughts and prayers during Mass.


Please remember all whose funeral was held within our parishes between November 2021 and October 2022

Joan Meakin, Mary Holden, Peter Smith, Charles Lamb, Patricia McGough, Eileen Begley,

Henry Marshall, Christopher Fortune, Dawn Groom, Paul Stenson, Leonard Richardson,

Patricia Dermott, Patricia Cuddihy, Betty Jones, Henry Smith, Louisa Fowler, Thomas Heale,

Gerard Tristram, Bernard Mannion, Dylan Bacon, Linda Perrin, Noel Harkin, Jonas Petravicius,

Susan Peeney, Anne Rilo, Joseph Riley, Stephen Burgess, Cecil Orrett, Sarah Cahill,

Dcn. John McGeoch, John Hagan, Margaret Massam, Catherine Bennion, Eileen McAuley,

Michael Burns, Jacqueline Redfern, Anthony Brandreth, Peter McLinden, Betty McDonald


Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord,

and let perpetual light shine upon them

May they rest in peace. Amen.

May the souls of all the Faithful Departed,

through the mercy of God,

rest in peace. Amen.


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